AEI PanMedium Annex

The PanMedium Annex of the AEI is located in North Potsdam, around 15km from the main AEI building in Golm. The Annex primarily houses the computational science researchers in the Numerical Relativity group, including the members of the GridLab project and the Cactus Code team. The group members page indicates the primary home and contact details for each member of the Numerical Relativity group.

Mail Address:
(Please send all mail to PanMedium via the main institute)
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik


Am Mühlenberg 1

14476 Golm

Visiting Address: Graf-von-Schwerin-Strasse 1

14469 Potsdam

Fax Number: +49 (0)331 2003 228
Phone Numbers:
General : +49 (0)331 2003 220
Social Room : +49 (0)331 2003 220
Conference Room (Standard Phone) : +49 (0)331 2003 223
Conference Room (Conference Phone): +49 (0)331 2003 229
Staff : Group Page
Directions: Map
Directions from AEI main building, Potsdam Hauptbahnhof and Guesthouses.
Additional Information: More information about the PanMedium group, including details about the computer infrastructure, is available on our internal group pages.